New Look coming to OWS and More...
As we continue to evolve, grow and move into this brave new world, we decided to create a new look for OWS. Maggie has designed a new, fresh logo which brings us into the 21st century. With this new rollout we are updating our bios, newsletters and our colors. This is very exciting and the beginning of a slew of new items we will be sharing with you soon.
One of the great things which is growing and become more interactive is our Friday Night Happy Hours (Friday night 6 pm EST - Click Here to Join this week). Through these happy hours we are learning what you would like to see us do or “attempt”. Over the past few weeks, one of the most asked questions has been, “Do you do private event tastings?” The answer is, “Yes, we do!”
I have a little notebook full of ideas and suggestions from you which we have been working on and getting ready to rollout. Maggie is in town this week and we will put the final touches on a new “Services” section which will be launched on Friday morning. Additionally, more new projects and events will be added over the coming weeks.
We are always looking for feedback, so please drop us a line or leave a comment below and we will see how it fits into what we are doing.
Thank you for your continued support. – Bryan