Our Community - OWS!!!
One of the biggest challenges in reopening OWS as an online shop has been reenergizing the sense of community we created in the brick & mortar store. While it is great to see orders come in through our website, and then deliver wines to your homes, the best interactions involve sharing a glass of wine and having a conversation.
This past week we hosted our first Zoom Wine tasting of the year with our good friend Jonas Gustafsson. We talked about wines, shared a glass or more and most importantly got to see and interact with you. It was incredibly fun and gratifying. It was what we have been missing the most since we closed the OWS shop in 2021.
Because of this success we are working on more Zoom Tastings and we are moving our Friday Night Happy Hour from Facebook Live to Zoom. This way we can see everyone, have conversations instead of chatting in a chat box, and enjoy an adult beverage or two. This is a great opportunity to hang out with the team from OWS and ask questions, hear about events, wines, beer, and more. There is no set agenda other than having fun.
If you would like to join us each week, either click on the link in the scroll or go to the Special Events page -- the link is there.