So many wines, so little time, I needed to create another catalog...

So many wines, so little time, I needed to create another catalog...

Recently, country music legend Toby Keith passed away.  As a fan, I went back and listened to his incredible catalog of music, and one song – “My List” - stuck out to me.  It is a song many of us can relate to since we make lists of things we have to do each day. The words which I relate to most are: “I cross ‘em off as I get ‘em done, but when the sun is settled, there’s still more than a few things left, I haven’t got to yet.”

My list of things to do each day seems to grow as quickly as I cross things off.  The biggest item on my list is adding wines to  While doing so the other day, I went down a rabbit hole of iconic wines from around the world.  I dug out all of the catalogs of wines from the “Bucket List Wine Tastings” we did at OWS and reminisced about how many great wines we showcased and how many smiles we saw on your faces while enjoying these great wines.

One winery which stood out then and still does is Chateau Musar from Lebanon.  The 2007 Ch. Musar was included in the very first Bucket List Wine Tasting because I believed it was important to expose this very special wine to everyone.  I had no expectations of selling very many bottles since it was an unknown wine to most.  It ended up being the most popular and talked about wine of the tasting and inspired several Ch. Musar events.

In order to give these and other iconic wines the attention they deserve on the website, I created the “Iconic Bucket List Wines” catalog.  There are 35 wines on it now with more coming.  As previously mentioned, if there are favorites you want to see added to this or any other list, please let me know.

In the meantime, pour a glass of wine, beer or cocktail, and take a look at your list.  And, in the words of Toby Keith – “Start livin’, that’s the next thing on my list”.

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